Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Edmonton and ENTS

I'd been looking forward to Edmonton since near the beginning of the trip, because I was supposed to visit my college friend Erica, who works for the city. Unfortunately, she send me an email when I was in Banff telling me that she'd wouldn't be in town because her grandfather had just died and she was flying out to the funeral. So sad!

My other plan was to visit ENTS, the Edmonton New Technology Society, which was apparently given that name WITHOUT any awareness of the trees of middle earth also owning that term… they all agree there that a new name is needed. But other than the name, the place and the people are awesome! They claim to have only 4000 sq ft, but I actually think they have more space than noisebridge. It's divided up into about 8 rooms, and they rent three of them out as office space, which covers about 1/3 of their rent. I was super impressed by all the stuff they have, but ironically they kept telling me how envious they are of noisebridge! I think mostly it comes down to people who do things - they companied that they are all so busy themselves they don't have much time to hack, and so other than improving the space itself, nothing really happens there. But you need to give it time! Anyway, I really enjoyed my time there, keep up the good work. And, please do take my suggestion to call yourselves :-). Flickr Set

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