Monday, August 27, 2012
Montreal Mini Maker Faire

As usual with a maker faire, there was tons of interesting stuff to see, including the lego-based WALL-E pictured right, some awesome tiny "ladybird" quadcopters, some cool steampunk stuff, a lot of great 3D printers (including some RepRaps by Foulab, the Up!, and an Ultimaker), several clever interactive motion-sensing games, and most mind-boggling for me, games of Muggle Quidditch. I kid you not, apparently it's been adapted for play by us mere muggles, and includes bludgers (dodgeballs), the snitch (a player dressed in all yellow who can use an area of play as big as "campus"), and of course the three hoop nets. Is there no limit to how silly a sport can be? For fans of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, I think it's worth noting that actually catching the snitch is apparently worth only 30 points in Muggle Quidditch, so the game is more balanced!
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